There was much more to Rex than you knew and it was of no concern to him if you didn’t know it. His concern was for his family, the church and the less fortunate. The words of his son David at Rex’s memorial service powerfully expressed the concern he had for his family enacted through many self-less acts of love. The eulogies given by Luke and Chris, Youth Minister and Evangelist for 4th & College, Rex’s home congregation, described a man who came alongside them as friend, brother, and spiritual father. I observed Rex taking great satisfaction in knowing that 4th & College was instrumental in helping High Plains Children’s Home add another residence to their campus in Amarillo. I witnessed he and Annette opening their home and their resources to women Annette ministered to in the county jail because they had opened their hearts to God first. Most personally, I was the recipient of his loyal support as Rural America Ministries took birth in Cordell four years ago. Rex, not only served faithfully on our board of directors, but was instrumental in helping us with our state and federal registration as a non-profit ministry and every year he and Annette would host one or more college students in their home when our R.A.M. teams were on mission in Cordell and the surrounding communities. And consistent with the rest of his life, it was of no concern to Rex if you knew nothing about it. In fact, he would rather you didn’t.
But the Lord knew. Scripture tells us that a man’s deeds will follow after him. Revelation 14:13 reads, “And I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ‘Blessed indeed,’ says the Spirit, ‘that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”
Your faithful labor for our Lord Jesus has followed you into eternity! Rest in peace brother Rex, until we meet again.