Prayer Wall

If we fail to pray, we entirely fail.  Prayer is the expression of our faith in God’s power rather than our own.  It is our confession of complete and absolute reliance on God for all things.  R.A.M. exists because of prayers offered in faith and we continue to grow and reach more and more people with the love of Christ because we refuse to stop praying. 

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Ephesians 6:18

“Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you . . .”

I Samuel 12:23

Pray with us



Since R.A.M.’s beginning, an integral part of our ministry has been service.  We do this because we have come to realize that service is the bridge to redemption.  Jesus said, “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to  give his life as a ransom for many.”  Did you see the connection between service and redemption?  When we humbly minister to others by serving them and meeting their need,  we build a bridge of trust between us and those we serve.  Taking the time to recognize someone’s need, and then expending the energy and resources to meet that need is a compelling reason for the served to let down their guard and come towards the servant, be it ever so gradually.  That bridge of trust forms a bond that gives opportunities for the verbal expression of the gospel of Christ and the love of God for man.

Two Sundays ago, I was joined by a group of “servants” eager to serve in Claremore, OK.  Six members of the Tulsa International Church of Christ partnered with RAM to paint the interior of “She Brews” Coffee Shop in downtown Claremore.  “She Brews” is a Christian Ministry to women coming out of prison and/or overcoming drug and alcohol addiction.  Part of their ministry is to employ these women and help them to obtain employable skills so that they can become self-supporting.  Our crew arrived in Claremore around 1:30pm on that Sunday and spent a good 4 to 5 hours putting a brighter, lighter coat of paint on the walls and brightening up what was once a drab gray.  Some of the ladies wanted the change to a lighter brighter color because the gray, as they said, reminded them of prison!  Not any more.  The new coat of white paint has brightened things up and we are grateful we could be a part of making that difference!  Although there are some final touches we need to add before we call it done, Daniel Miller, Operations Manager for She Brews said of our first round, “I’m at Claremore right now and the paint looks great!  Thank you so much – we appreciate the hard work of you and your team!”  We will be organizing another paint crew to finish up this project within the next few weeks.  If you would like to serve by helping us finish up this paint job in Claremore, email or leave us a message.  In the meantime, join us in praising God for using us to spread the love of Jesus with a few coats of paint at “She Brews” ministries.  God is working!

2024 Goals

Pray for our 2024 goals to be Spirit-led and fulfilled to the glory of God and for the redemption of man.  
     – To identify and coordinate 4 compassionate action projects. (We presently have two underway – She Brews Coffee Shop and Women’s Ministry in           Claremore and Ministry of the Way in Trinidad, CO.  More about Trinidad coming up soon!)
     – For the success of our “Concert of Hope” fundraiser on November 16th at Oklahoma Christian University.  Gordon Bauer, an acclaimed pianist 
       and inspiring story-teller, will be performing for this fundraiser helping raise funds for R.A.M. and Westview Boys Home.  More details coming up             about  this event soon.  Attend in person or view online.   Either way, plan to support our efforts as we raise funds to continue RAM into 2025.

Church Planting & Revitalization

  • RAM is currently recruiting disciples willing to devote 5 years to work as vocational missionaries with the church at 4th & College in Cordell, OK, County Seat for Washita County.  Disciples with professional experience in medicine, education, law enforcement, law, social services, or business are encouraged to contact us for more information about joining this effort. Pray for our successful recruitment and training of these team members.  These vocational rural missionaries will join the 4th & College congregation in its effort to evangelize not only Cordell, but all of Washita County.
“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.”

Oswald Chambers

Rural America Ministries

We provide for the evangelization and revitalization of rural communities in America. 

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